University Owned Computers
All workstations purchased with centralized funds, research, department or other funds (i.e., startup) are university-owned computers. This includes workstations in research labs and in self-supported centers, institutes, labs.
· ITS will replace one centrally funded workstation on a 6-year replacement cycle, unless when exceptions are needed[HB1] , (exceptions to be considered: the cost to repair versus the remaining lifecycle of the machine)
· Warranty: [to be specified]· Enterprise
5 year hardware warranty for Desktop and Laptop
Accidental (hardware damage) for Laptop
·Enterprise Hardware: Dell and Apple
Reason for:
Enterprise class hardware is higher quality and more reliable
Enterprise class hardware support methods are consistent and predictable
Windows version: [specify version we install]
Microsoft Windows Enterprise OS
· [others?]
Support Services
ITS will securely surplus or scrap replaced computers with the Office of Asset Management
[HB1]do we need to mention exceptions?