Confluence Cloud Migration

Confluence Cloud Migration


  • On June 12, 2024, ITS migrated the Wikis @ UAlbany service (Confluence) to the cloud.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

How do I log into the wiki in the cloud version?

  1. Click the arrow icon at the top right of the page:

  2. Click the Microsoft button:

  3. Enter your full albany.edu email address and click Next:

  4.  You will be redirected to the UAlbany login page.  Log in with your UAlbany credentials:

Why did we move to Confluence Cloud?

  • The Confluence Cloud platform provides improved features and ensures a supported platform.

What should I do now that the migration is complete?

  • Please log in and review your wiki content. While most content should have migrated successfully, there is a chance that some formatting might look different in the cloud.

Will all of my old links break or need to be updated?

  • Links to existing content in wiki.albany.edu will automatically be redirected to the cloud version of the same content after the migration.  ITS recommends updating any external links you may have to wiki content to use the new Cloud URLs.

What is different between the Server and Cloud versions of Confluence?

What happened to my existing wiki content?

Where are my “starred” (favorite/saved for later) pages?

  • Starred pages were not migrated. You will need to “star” pages again in Confluence Cloud if you wish to use that functionality.

How do I use the new page editor in Confluence Cloud?

  • See this article for more information about the new Cloud editor.