Manually run bulk Hyrax Uploads

Step-by-step guide

  1. Create a spreadsheet for the objects you want to upload using the templates in \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\templates

  2. Place the .TSV spreadsheets you wish to upload in \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\import

  3. Place the files listed in the spreadsheet in \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\files

  4. Use ssh to log on: ssh railsprod

  5. Switch to railsuser with: sudo -u railsuser bash

  6. Change directory in to Hyrax: cd /var/www/hyrax-UAlbany

  7. Test that all import files are correct by running: rake import:check

  8. To Import, run: 

    rake import:sheet

    1. to import in background (recommended), run: nohup rake import:sheet >> /media/Library/ESPYDerivatives/log/myLogFile.log 2>&1 &

  9. Monitor the background jobs at (requires Hyrax login)