MECM - Collection and Deployment Guidance for users outside of ITS


TC Collections will reside in Assets and Compliance > Device Collections > Name Provided by ITS >

Example: Devices managed by the Library would reside in Assets and Compliance > Device Collections > Library >

Incremental updates on collections are only allowed if approved by ITS MECM Managers. If unapproved collections are found with the incremental update selected, the setting will be undone.

In order to avoid a cluttered environment, ITS wants to keep the folder structure as flat as possible.

All collections must have a limiting collection of either:

Device Collection Name


Device Collection Name


Global - Desktop OS MECM Clients

Contains all Windows devices with an active MECM client running a desktop OS in the PCM Site.

Global - Server OS MECM Clients

Contains all Windows devices with an active MECM client running a server OS in the PCM Site.