Complex Password Rules
Your NetID and password are required to log in to UAlbany IT services. Your NetID is provided when you complete the Password Set/Reset process. Creating your complex password is part of this process. The rules below define the complexity that is required for your UAlbany password.
The University at Albany will never ask you to reveal your password. You should not respond to unsolicited emails asking for your password or login credentials.
Your password MUST be at least 12 characters and no longer than 16 characters
Your password MUST contain at least one character from each of the following categories
lowercase letter (a, b, c, ... through z)
uppercase letter (A, B, C ... through Z)
number (0, 1, 2 ... through 9)
special symbol ( ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * - = + ( ) [ ] { } | \ : ; ' " , < . > / ? )
The password CANNOT contain
your first name, last name, or any part of your primary, chosen name.
your NetID
any part of your entire email address (i.e
the special symbol { as the first character
any spaces or accented letters
4 or more of the same character in a row
personal email address
You CANNOT use a password that has been previously used.
The password should not contain any personal information such as your birthday or phone number.
To help prevent unauthorized access to your account, your UAlbany password should be unique.
Passwords are case-sensitive.