Computer Classroom Collaborative File Solutions
In the computer classrooms (e.g. DR-14, AS-13, SS-134, etc.), the PC's have available two types of shared network drives where the instructor and the students can share files.
The R-Drive (Folder Name---R:\\lincoln\classes\YourClass101)
This drive is on all the PC's in the computer classrooms and the Information Commons.
Instructors and their TA's have Write-Delete privileges in this folder. Faculty can map to this drive from their office or home using their logon credentials to access the class folder.
Students have only Read privileges.
To request a new folder for your class, please complete the Shared Folder Request Form form. You will need to log in to access this form.
The X-Drive (Folder Name---X:\\lincoln\rooms\YourClassRoom)
This drive is on all the PC's specifically for that particular computer classroom.
Instructors and Students have Read-Write-Delete privileges in this folder.
This folder can only be accessed in the specific classroom.
There are no RESTORE features for the data in the folder.