ARCC Guest Account For Research Collaboration Form Help
Name: This is the name of the owner of the account. By default, the form will fill in your information. If the owner should be somebody other than you, please alter the content of this field.
Email Address: This is the email address of the owner of the account. If there are questions or problems, this is the address we will use to communicate. By default, the form will fill in your information. If the address should be different, please alter the content of this field.
NetID: This is the NetID of the owner of the account. By default, the form will fill in your information. If the owner should be somebody other than you, please alter the content of this field.
Department: This is the department which will use the account.
Account Recipient: This is the name of the external collaborator who will be using this account.
Intended Lab Group: Please provide the name of the lab group which will be using this account.
Notes: Duo authentication is not available for guest accounts due to them not having an email account with the University.