Zoom Meeting Recording Layout

Zoom Meeting Recording Layout


You can record the active speaker, content sharing with active or sub video panel, gallery view, or M4A audio.

By default, only the host can record each Zoom meeting. This can be changed by having the host allow specific users to record the meeting through the Manage Participants panel. Each resulting recording will be in the layout of choice by the person who is recording.


The Zoom meeting will be recorded in the current layout that the host is recording. For example, if the host is recording in Gallery View the recording will be in gallery view. This is independent of what the participants are viewing, so if a participant is watching the meeting in active speaker view and they start recording because the host granted them recording the resulting recording will be in Active Speaker.

If you move the active speaker display thumbnail to the edge of the screen or to additional monitor from the one you are presenting from the thumbnail will show up in the surrounding black bars on the recording.