The mission of Research IT is to develop core services in support of research, including high-performance computing for grant seeking and funded researchers. A major objective of Research IT is to provide IT consultation to faculty in the grant development process. The Research group works closely with each of the other ITS units, and with school and departmental-based research IT staff, to fulfill its mission.
Please contact the ITS Service Desk if you are an active grant-seeking or funded researcher and would like to explore options to fulfill the IT requirements of your investigations.
RIT Lifecycle Services
Early in the process, pre-grant
Serve as a resource during grant discovery
Provide IT consulting
Assist in IT impact assessment
Oversee integration into existing infrastructure
Explore cost reduction and/or increased functionality through synergy
Serve as external IT interface coordination resource
Administer internal research IT grants for discovery assistance
Facilities setup and configuration
Manage the coordination of IT resources
Assist in software acquisition, licensing, porting, integration
Serve as IT interface to physical renovations
Administer hiring and/or training of IT cognizant individuals
Facilitate establishment of collaborative interfaces
Provide system setup, integration and testing
Production environment
Full service systems management
Ongoing software consulting, porting
Integration and collaboration support
IT human resource management
Administer regular IT re-assessment and adjustment
Re-application of human resources
Sunset systems, software, IT infrastructure
Post-grant support evaluation
Recycling of central research IT resources into discovery of other grants