Activate Microsoft 365 Apps on University computers

Activate Microsoft 365 Apps on University computers

The version of Microsoft Office installed on University workstations, computers in classrooms, conference rooms, and other shared spaces is Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise (M365).

Before you can use any M365 application (e.g., Word, PowerPoint, or Excel) on any computer (including classrooms and conference rooms), you must sign in with your UAlbany credentials to activate M365 for the computer in that space.  

If you have not used a specific conference room or classroom in the last month, we recommend reserving the room ahead of any scheduled class or meeting to go through this M365 activation process as it might take up to 20 minutes.

In order to sign in to activate M365 Apps, you will need to complete 2-Step with Duo. So it is important to bring the device that receives your one-time, secret code with you to classrooms and conference rooms in order to use Microsoft 365 apps. 

If you are unable to complete 2-Step Login on a computer where you have not yet activated M365, you will still be able to use Microsoft 365 apps (like Word, PowerPoint, or Excel), but they will function in Reduced Functionality Mode.