Guide for Group Access Managers: Approving OnBase User Access Requests in JotForm

This guide is intended for Group Access Managers, outlining their responsibilities in facilitating, granting, and modifying user access within OnBase. GAM owners will be required to review and respond to user OnBase access request in Jotform.

Approval Process for OnBase User Access Requests via JotForm:

User Submits a Request:

User submit an OnBase Access Request - New Access or Edit Existing Access Form for GAM Owners to review and approve request.

Option 1

Accessing OnBase JotForm Requests/Submissions:

Upon the submission of an OnBase Access Request - New Access or Edit Existing Access Form, GAM Owners responsible for approval will receive an "Action required" email containing submission details. This email notifies GAM Owners that the request requires review and approval.

In the email click on "Go to my Inbox."


Navigate directly to Jotform → Click on Dropdown Menu in upper left →  select "My Approvals" or "Inbox" → Click on "Assigned to Me" → Hover over the Form with the pending submissions and click "View.":

→ or  →  


Reviewing Requests:

  • Open the detailed form submitted by the user by clicking on the request.

  • Review the information provided, including the type of access requested (new, modification, removal), and any additional comments or justifications from the user.

Approval Process:

If the request aligns with your guidelines and policies, proceed to approve:

  • Select the "Approve" option to grant the requested access and notify the user.

    • Optional: Enter a comment.

Modifying Request Process:

If the request needs to be edited or modified:

  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select "Edit" to modify the request:

Once request has been edited:

  • Select either "Modified and Approved" or "Approve" buttons to grant the request and notify the user
    • Optional: Enter a comment.

Denying Request Process:

If the request needs to be denied:

  • Click the "Deny" button to notify the user.
    • Optional: Enter a comment.

Option 2 via Jotform Table: Each form's data can be managed in Jotform Tables

Accessing OnBase JotForm Requests/Submissions:

Upon the submission of an OnBase Access Request - New Access or Edit Existing Access Form, GAM Owners should proceed to Jotform's Admin Console to view all submissions for a specific form.

Navigate to the "Forms" tab on the left:

Use the search box to find the desired form by name:

Click on the three dots to access the option to view submissions:

Select "View Submissions" to open Tables:

Identify a row containing a pending request and click on "In Progress" to review submission details:

The details or fields of the form submission (including Date, Signee's name, Signee's Email, Table, Notes, Approved by, Approved Status, Comment, etc.) are editable, allowing for the modification of data or the addition of text.


Note: Submissions IP, Submissions ID, and Last Update Date cannot be modified.

Choose the most suitable approval status to inform the user about the status of their request: