About personal web space on UNIX
ITS provides current students and employees with 100MB of storage for development of personal web pages. The URL for a personal web site is https://www.albany.edu/~netid where "netid" is the site owner's NetID.
How to create a personal web site
- Connect to perspub.albany.edu using an SFTP client (such as WinSCP or CyberDuck)
- Your web content will be stored in this location. Load the files that you want to appear on the web site. These will include HTML, image and other files.
- After the files are loaded to the site, the files that you uploaded to the site should be visible on the web
- The default home page should be named index.html
To reference other pages, put the filename at the end of the address, for example https://www.albany.edu/~netid/homework7.html
- File names are case sensitive, so a file named Project.html is different from a file named project.html