- Create an ITS Service Desk request:
- https://www.albany.edu/its/form.php OR
- Email askIT@albany.edu with "Telephone Request" as the subject line.
- Include the following:
- Extension number (For existing phones)
- Location - Building, Room (For new activations)
- Name, NetID, email address of person to be assigned to phone
- Change requested - See list below
- Device type - TelephoneDesk or wall mounted phone, Jabber for desktop, Jabber for cell phone , Conference phone, panic button, emergency phone etc.(please specify if it is for an Android or iPhone)
- Optional for special requests:
- Line Appearance - By default, new phones are provided with the new number unless otherwise requested.
- Voicemail - By default, users get a voicemail box, phones assigned to "vacant" don'tdo not.
- Calling capability - Default is Continental US. International calling must be authorized by the Dean, Director or Department Head.
Types of requests that ITS completes: