Research Collaboration Platform: Create Your Profile

Research Collaboration Platform: Create Your Profile


Once you have logged into the Health Disparities Collaboration Platform, you can create a personal profile. This will allow you to participate on the site and help other researchers find information about you to facilitate collaboration. 

This article is only for individuals invited to a Research Collaboration Platform community site.


  1. If you have not yet created a profile, you can click the Create My Profile link in the top menu:
  2. On the page that loads, fill out the form with your information. The fields with a blue asterisk are required; the rest are optional.  However, the more information you include, and the more complete your profile, the more useful the site will be.  
    1. Your name fields may be pre-populated.  Please make any necessary changes.
    2. To upload your Profile photo (Contact Pic), click the Upload Your Profile Picture button:
    3. Then click Choose File:
    4. Select the file and then click OK:

      If you see an error "This filename already exists. Please rename your file before trying to upload it.", that means there is already a profile photo for someone uploaded with that same filename. To upload your photo, simply rename your file and then try to upload it again.

    5. Next, click Save.
  3. When you are finished filling out the form, click the Save button at the bottom to save your information.
  4. You will then be brought to the list of Researchers' Profiles where you can see all of the researchers on the site.

Need more help? Contact the ITS Service Desk.