Research Collaboration Platform: Log into SharePoint Site with Microsoft Account
Research Collaboration Platform: Log into SharePoint Site with Microsoft Account
To log in to the Research Collaboration Platform with a Microsoft account, follow the steps below.
This article is only for individuals invited to a Research Collaboration Platform community site.
Before logging in, be sure you have created a Microsoft Account using your downstate.edu or other primary work-related email address.
Once you receive an email invitation (coming from no-reply@sharepointonline.com) to the site, click the link to go to the Health Disparities Collaboration Platform:
If you were invited after Jan. 1, 2017, you will not receive this email. Instead, simply access the site directly at https://livealbany.sharepoint.com/sites/research/healthdisparities.
- On the site, you will be prompted to choose an account type to log in. Choose Microsoft account.
, multiple selections available,