Research Collaboration Platform: Log into SharePoint Site with Microsoft Account

Research Collaboration Platform: Log into SharePoint Site with Microsoft Account


To log in to the Research Collaboration Platform with a Microsoft account, follow the steps below. 

This article is only for individuals invited to a Research Collaboration Platform community site.


Before logging in, be sure you have created a Microsoft Account using your downstate.edu or other primary work-related email address.

  1. Once you receive an email invitation (coming from no-reply@sharepointonline.com) to the site, click the link to go to the Health Disparities Collaboration Platform:

    If you were invited after Jan. 1, 2017, you will not receive this email.  Instead, simply access the site directly at https://livealbany.sharepoint.com/sites/research/healthdisparities.

  2. On the site, you will be prompted to choose an account type to log in.  Choose Microsoft account.
  3. Enter the email address and the password you used when you created your Microsoft account and click Sign in:
  4. You will now be logged into the site.  

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