Visitor access to the UAGuest wireless network

Visitor access to the UAGuest wireless network

Using the UAGuest Wireless Network

Campus visitors can access the Internet using UAGuest, the University's wireless network for visitors.

The UAGuest network provides hosted University visitors with open, unencrypted access to the Internet. The system is not secure and can be monitored by others. This network should not be used to transmit sensitive information.

Information for University Hosts

ITS recommends that hosts be prepared to provide their visitors with instructions for connecting to the UAGuest network. University hosts are responsible for ensuring that their guests use campus IT resources in a manner consistent with University policies, including Connecting Devices to the University Network and Responsible Use of Information Technology.


We currently have an issue with some Apple devices connecting to the guest network in ETEC. This is a sporadic issue, if it affects you, the only solution is to connect to the UAlbanyWifi or Eduroam SSIDs

Information for Guests

When you are ready, connect to the guest network.

Guests are expected to comply with all applicable University policies, including Connecting Devices to the University Network and Responsible Use of Information Technology .