On-Premise Web Hosting
About the Service
Faculty and researchers are strongly encouraged to consult with Web Services, Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM) when they require a website for their research lab or for presenting a faculty profile.
Features and Appropriate Use
On-Premise Web Hosting is not intended for course-related content (syllabus, course files, etc.). Faculty are provided other file storage options and options to provide materials to students: Brightspace, for Individual File Storage or for Research storage.
ITS provides web hosting only—the website owner is responsible for development, management, and design of the hosted website.
Faculty and researchers are strongly encouraged to consult with Web Services, Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM) about their services
Owners of web sites hosted in On-Premise web hosting should not expect website development, management, or design from OCMApplications, including CMS applications (such as WordPress, etc.), should not be hosted in these directories
If it is necessary to host application, Research Storage spaces may be more appropriate
Third party web sites cannot be hosted in these directories.
Events or conference websites, not sponsored by UAlbany, should not be hosted in these directories and Web Services, Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM) should be consulted before creating a website in these spaces to support events, conferences or on-going research projects.
Access to directories can be requested for specific staff or students, submit an ITS Service Desk ticket.
All websites must be in compliance with the Responsible Use of Information Technology Policy
All websites must be in compliance with the Principles of Professionalism, Ethics and Compliance
Sites are discontinued based on different criteria. Please review the On-Premise Web Hosting Options for more information
How to Request
Submit an ITS Service Desk ticket stating your need to host a website.