Faculty/Staff Broadcast Email Lists
ALLFACSTAFF-L includes individuals with the classification of:
- Teaching
- Librarian
- Professional employees
- M/C professionals
- Classified
- RF (research foundation)
- UAS/UAF employees
- Honorary
ALLFSE-L includes everyone with the classifications for the ALLFACSTAFF list and the addition of Emeriti:
- Teaching
- Librarian
- Professional employees
- M/C professionals
- Classified
- RF (research foundation)
- UAS/UAF employees
- Honorary
- Emeriti
ITS recommends using the ALLFACSTAFF or ALLFSE lists for messages intended to broadly inform University employees.
PROFSTAFF-L only includes individuals with a classification of:
- Professional employees
TEACHFAC-L only includes individuals with a classification of:
- Teaching
- Librarian
- RF (research foundation)
VOTINGFAC-L includes only full-time employees with a classification of:
- Teaching
- Librarian
- Professional employees
- M/C professionals
The VOTINGFAC list was established on behalf of the University Senate for the purpose of sharing information exclusively with those individuals who are eligible to vote in University Faculty Senate-related matters. Given this, the only mailboxes with access to send to this list are Academic Affairs-Notices, President's Office-Notices, and University Senate-Notices.
Student Broadcast Email Lists
ALLSTUDENTS-L includes all students.
ITS recommends using the ALLSTUDENTS list for messages intended to broadly inform University students.
UNDERGRADS-L includes all students with a status of Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior.
FRESHMEN-L includes all students with a status of Freshman.
SOPHOMORES-L includes all students with a status of Sophomore.
JUNIORS-L includes all students with a status of Junior.
SENIORS-L includes all students with a status of Senior.
GRADUATES-L includes all students with a status of Graduate.
OFFCAMPUS-L includes all students without an on-campus address.
ONCAMPUS-L includes all students with an on-campus address.
Broadcast Message Authorization
The following are departmental accounts that have been given authorization to send broadcast messages to lists:
- Academic Affairs-Notices
- Athletics-Notices
- Diversity and Inclusion-Notices
- Finance and Business-Notices
- GSA-Notices
- ITS-Notices
- Nanoscale Science and Engineering-Notices
- Office of Communications & Marketing-Notices
- Office of the President-Notices
- Research-Notices
- Student Association-Notices
- Student Success-Notices
- UAlbany Alert-Notices
- UPD-Notices
- University Development-Notices
- University Senate-Notices