Policy Guiding Space and Inventory Management & Process

Policy Guiding Space and Inventory Management & Process

This page will detail the proper policies and topics that should be covered when assessing a research space for transition to Windows 11, including language guiding the limits of what each party is beholden to.

Process for Assessing Machines

  • ITS will contact the Principal Investigator/Staff/Faculty owner of the Research Space to schedule a Research Consultation.

  • How many computers are present currently in the space?

    • How old is the machine?

    • Connected to any instruments?

    • Do any of these need to be networked?

      • Even if not networked, old machines are prone to failure. We encourage moving to newer technology where feasible or implementing solutions that ensure your research continues.

    • Who originally purchased the machine?

    • Where was the machine acquired from? (ITS, RF, Previous Faculty, Apple/BestBuy/3rd Party Vendor?)

The goal is to move as many machines as possible to Win11 that are able to.

Post-Assessment Process

  • ITS will provide quotes for machines to be replaced.

    • ITS cannot fund the replacement of these machines.

    • ITS will not remove research machines without a solution, as research still needs to be done.

    • The PI or Department is responsible for obtaining the funds for replacement of machines.

      • Future grants should include our quote to request funding for Computation.

  • For expensive instruments that depend on old equipment, a custom solution must be defined.

    • A virtual machine (VM) or dedicated sub-net can be solutions for old, expensive instruments. The goal is to make your instrument functional in a secure and sustainable manner.

The deadline for Windows 10 Support to be dropped is Oct 2025; ordering new machines may be difficult in the future due to supply. It is encouraged to fix issues and create solutions for research spaces sooner rather than later.

What we need from your Research Space

We will need a list of computers and related details in order to properly assess your research space. Having this ahead of our visit will expedite the consultation process.



Machine Name

Budget Owner


Serial Number

Network Status/Jacks

W11 Compatible?





Machine Name

Budget Owner


Serial Number

Network Status/Jacks

W11 Compatible?



The room number and/or location within the room.

The building location.

Name of the machine.

Who ordered/purchased the machine?


Serial number of the machine, usually a sticker on the side/back.

Is this connected/need to be connected?

Yes/No/Not Sure

Any connected instruments. Please describe the instrumentation as well!

Any software required for your research?