Install Panopto Recorder for Windows
Moore, Chris S
Former user (Deleted)
Follow these instructions to install Panopto Recorder for Windows on a University-owned or personal computer.
Open Software Center.
Locate the Panopto Recorder app in Software Center.
Click the Panopto Recorder app icon and click Install.
When installed, the app will appear in Software Center with an Uninstall button as below.
Find Panopto Recorder app on your computer.
Windows Desktop
Search Windows
Browse Apps
Click any of the above options to launch Panopto Recorder.
Click the Sign-in button in the Panopto Recorder app window. Note: the UAlbany Panopto URL is a pre-loaded site.
Panopto Recoder will prompt you to login via UAlbany SSO in your browser.
Enter NetID and Password
Follow Duo prompts.
Panopto Recorder is connected to your Panopto folder and ready to use
Follow the instructions to download and install Panopto Recorder on your personally-owned PC.
The UAlbany-specific Panopto site is Log in with your NetID & password.
Once installed, launch the Panopto app:
Windows Desktop
Search Windows
Browse Apps
Click "Add a site" from the drop-down menu on the Recorder launch screen and enter
Click the Sign-in button in the Panopto Recorder app window.
Panopto Recorder will prompt you to login via UAlbany SSO in your browser.
Enter NetID and Password
Follow Duo prompts.
Panopto Recorder is connected to your Panopto folder and ready to use