Academic Technology and Support Knowledgebase

Academic Technology and Support Knowledgebase

Instructions and guides for using academic technology services and solutions.

Adobe Creative Cloud classroom/lab SSO Login

Adobe Express Log In

CEHC Laptop Learning Space

Digital Annotation with Wacom Pen Tablet

Information Commons - Locked Access database file saving trouble

Launch Adobe Creative Cloud Apps in Classrooms and Public Computer

Request Oracle Accounts for Accounting Department

Self Service App for Specialized Fine Arts Software

Use AirMedia Wireless Presentation

Using Technology-Enhanced Classrooms

ITS provides multiple ways for the faculty and staff to familiarize themselves with the Technology-Enhanced Classrooms on campus:

Using the Technology in BB-12

The classroom technology available in BB-12 is quite extensive. In addition to the typical technology found in other rooms in the Business Building, there is an additional capability that allows you to video conference and lecture capture.

Virtual Desktops for Digital Forensics