Non-English Languages
Accessibility Statement: If you use multiple languages
View an accessible page using multiple languages
View an inaccessible page using multiple languages
Provide an audio clip of text that is written in a language other than the primary one of the audience. A screen reader cannot pronounce multi-lingual text in a way that is consistently understandable, and typically cannot interpret more than one language at a time.
ÂIdentify the language of the text (and any changes that occur) with the LANG attribute, so that speech synthesizers that "speak" multiple languages will be able to generate the text in the appropriate accent with proper pronunciation.
ÂCheck accessibility by viewing your page in multiple browsers and platforms, then verify it with tools like CAST's on-line BOBBY verification tool.
Read the relevant W3C guideline --Â 4.1
Return to the checklist
Adapted with permission from web accessibility pages at Penn State