Department Goals and Objectives, 2019-2020

Department Goals and Objectives, 2019-2020

Last updated December 5, 2019


Goal I: Identify, appraise, and acquire manuscript collections in accordance with Department’s collection development policy

First Priority

  • Acquire material to support the development of the University Archives, National Death Penalty Archive, the New York State Modern Political Archive and the Miriam Snow Mathes Historical Children’s Literature collections (@Former user (Deleted) and @Wiedeman, Gregory)

  • Identify items in book collection that are more appropriate for storage in CCBE (@Former user (Deleted), @Boyle, Jodi B)

  • Develop a long range Web archives plan to add to collection development policy (@Former user (Deleted), @Wiedeman, Gregory)


Goal II: Process, catalog, arrange, describe, manage, and properly preserve Department’s book and manuscript collections

First Priority

  • Catalog approximately 500 books published in 16th and 17th centuries that were purchased in the 1970s and 1980s located in the Vault (@Former user (Deleted))

  • Further implement digital processing workflow to better manage collections stored on external drives and digitized items (@Wiedeman, Gregory, @Wolfe, Mark D, @McMullen, Melissa A)

  • Catalog Gregory Maguire books (@Former user (Deleted))

  • Develop a pamphlet describing the Elzevier Collection (@Former user (Deleted), @Former user (Deleted))

  • Clean and ingest Electronic Records Library (@Wiedeman, Gregory, @Wolfe, Mark D, @Boyle, Jodi B, @McMullen, Melissa A)

  • Process, arrange, describe, and create online finding aids for the following manuscript collections (@Boyle, Jodi B, @McMullen, Melissa A, @Wiedeman, Gregory):


    • Pride Center Records; (DONE)

    • Citizen Action of New York Records (DONE)

    • U.S. Representative John Dunne Papers

    • The K Collection

    • Capital District Regional Planning Commission Records

    • College of Arts and Sciences Records

    • University photo collections

    • New York Civil Liberties Union Records

Second Priority

  • Assess and catalog approximately 6,000 books in the backlog (@Former user (Deleted))

  • Make Mathes metadata web accessible (@Wiedeman, Gregory, @McMullen, Melissa A)

  • Catalog remaining backlog of political pamphlets, non-English titles, and ttiles selected from back log. (@Former user (Deleted))

  • Update storage locations to box level for all collections (@Wiedeman, Gregory, @Boyle, Jodi B, @McMullen, Melissa A)

  • Arrange, describe, and create online finding aids for the following manuscript collections (@Boyle, Jodi B, @McMullen, Melissa A):


    • Marcia Brown Papers

    • Kermit Hall Papers

    • Vera Michelson Papers

    • Hudson Valley District Council of Carpenters Records

    • U.S. Representative Paul Fino Papers


Goal III: Utilize digital technology that enhances access to the Department’s collections for students, scholars, and the general public

First Priority

  • Continue work on Espy 2.0 (@McMullen, Melissa A, @Wiedeman, Gregory)

  • Shut down Luna by December 31 (@Wolfe, Mark D)

  • Move from Footprint to Libanswers (@McMullen, Melissa A)

  • Move website to Jekyll and possibly new Drupal (@Wiedeman, Gregory, @Panetta, Alyssa A)

  • Digitize the brittle items in the University Archives, including the student newspaper, course catalogs, commencement programs, directories, news releases, and select yearbooks (@Wiedeman, Gregory)

  • Develop search landing/browse pages for the Espy Project and Student Newspaper (@Wolfe, Mark D, @Wiedeman, Gregory)

  • Ongoing maintenance for Hyrax, ArcLight, ArchivesSpace, transition to Systems (@Wiedeman, Gregory, Systems)

    • Update ArchivesSpace from 1.5.1 to 2.8.0

    • Update ArcLight to 0.3

    • Update to Hyrax 3

Second Priority

  • Digitize and create metadata for WAMC (@McMullen, Melissa A)

  • Digitize Milne material (@Wiedeman, Gregory)

  • Develop FAQ in Libanswers (@Wolfe, Mark D @McMullen, Melissa A)

  • Monitor Aeon and future requests/payment systems (@Wiedeman, Gregory, @Wolfe, Mark D)


Goal IV: Initiate outreach to scholars, researchers, the general public, and others concerned with the preservation and use of historical records

First Priority

  • Offer tours to highlight the collections (@Former user (Deleted))

  • Host a program regarding the Elzevier books. Bring a noted scholar and appraiser to speak (@Former user (Deleted), @Former user (Deleted))

  • Host Researching New York each November (@Former user (Deleted), @Boyle, Jodi B@Former user (Deleted), @McMullen, Melissa A, @Wiedeman, Gregory, @Wolfe, Mark D)

  • Participate in planning for MARAC in Saratoga Springs to be held April 2021 (@Boyle, Jodi B@Former user (Deleted), @Wiedeman, Gregory@Wolfe, Mark D, @McMullen, Melissa A@Former user (Deleted))

  • Reinforce and develop partnerships with campus faculty and faculty at regional universities, colleges, and high schools to encourage use of our collections and to invite classes for instructional sessions and workshops on the use of the department’s resources (@Boyle, Jodi B@McMullen, Melissa A, @Former user (Deleted), @Wiedeman, Gregory, @Wolfe, Mark D, @Former user (Deleted))

  • Pursue public and private grants to process, preserve, and provide access to materials including CLIR, DHP (@Former user (Deleted))

Second Priority

  • Create a M.E. Grenander Travel Award to support UAlbany graduate students conducting primary source research at other institutions. (@Former user (Deleted))

  • Explore the development of an annual lecture beginning in Spring 2021 connected with special collections. (@Former user (Deleted))


Goal V: Improve administrative operations and capabilities within the Department to ensure the effective operations

First Priority

  • Specifically explore rights related to Marcia Brown’s publications to determine copyright

  • Equipment: Color printer; Shelving; Create new brochures and handouts that advance the resources and collections that comply with the University branding; Book scanner

Second Priority

  • Continue survey of legacy collections to determine which have memoranda of agreement for eventual ingest into ArchivesSpace so rights for each collection are clear and easily accessible (@Boyle, Jodi B)

  •  Revise fee structure to incorporate new services and collections (@Former user (Deleted))

  • Continue to work with facilities to resolve humidity issues in the vault and other storage areas with facilities (Jodi Boyle)