Virtual EMS Venues

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Always read the INFO tab on a space as you use Virtual EMS.   If you have additional questions about a particular venue

you may contact the managing office listed below 


Managing Office


Managing Office

Student Requests

Begin with the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership

Academic Spaces managed by Registrar

University Registrar 442-5540

Outdoor Venues: (for student groups – non-athletic fields, hard-scape spaces outside of the residential areas, 5K routes)

Submit to Jennifer Anderson, Associate Director of Student Involvement & Leadership, at for consideration.

Campus Center

Alicia Cowan 442-5490

Campus Recreation

Peter Kay 442-3335

Outdoor Facilities (for non students)

Stacy Stern 956-8120

Performing Arts Center

Office of the Director of the Performing Arts Center 442-3995

Athletic Venues

Complete the Athletic Facility Request Form and submit to Eric Fletcher, Assistant Director for Game Management and Event Operation, at

Residential Life Conference/Meeting Rooms

Always read the INFO tab on a space as you use VEMS. Additionally, forms and policies are specific to each quad.  See list of numbers and links found within the “housing options” section of their site. (e.g. )