Virtual EMS Venues

Virtual EMS Venues

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Always read the INFO tab on a space as you use Virtual EMS.   If you have additional questions about a particular venue you may contact the managing office listed below 


Managing Office


Managing Office

Student Requests

Begin with the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership

Academic Spaces managed by Registrar

University Registrar 442-5540 scheduling@albany.edu

Outdoor Venues: (for student groups – non-athletic fields, hard-scape spaces outside of the residential areas, 5K routes)

Submit to Jennifer Anderson, Associate Director of Student Involvement & Leadership, at janderson@albany.edu for consideration.

Campus Center

Alicia Cowan 442-5490 acowan@albany.edu

Campus Recreation

Peter Kay 442-3335 campusrecreation@albany.edu

Outdoor Facilities (for non students)

Stacy Stern 956-8120 sstern@albany.edu

Performing Arts Center

Office of the Director of the Performing Arts Center 442-3995 performingartscenter@albany.edu

Athletic Venues

Complete the Athletic Facility Request Form and submit to Eric Fletcher, Assistant Director for Game Management and Event Operation, at efletcher@albany.edu.

Residential Life Conference/Meeting Rooms

Always read the INFO tab on a space as you use VEMS. Additionally, forms and policies are specific to each quad.  See list of numbers and links found within the “housing options” section of their site. (e.g. http://www.albany.edu/housing/empirecommons.shtml )