Naming of Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 Groups

Naming of Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 Groups

Any person with a UAlbany Mail account can create a Microsoft Team or a Microsoft 365 Group within Office 365 as part of the UAlbany Mail service. The names of all user-created Teams and Groups are subject to a naming convention:

  • All names will be prefixed with "GRP-". For example, a new Team created by a user with the name "Project A" will be provisioned with the name "GRP-Project A".

Users have some discretion over selecting Team or Group names.  Names should be selected carefully and be meaningful so as to avoid conflict with existing groups or departments as well as to conform with Community Rights & Responsibilities, the Responsible Use of Information Technology Policy, and other University or ITS Policies.  Disregarding this guideline may result in loss of content if the Team or Group name has to be changed. Therefore, please choose names with care.  

An audit log of all created Teams/Groups and creators is recorded by the service.