How-to: Using SAS

How-to: Using SAS

SAS is currently available university-wide on our large memory machine. 


You will follow the directions here for VcXsrv and then PuTTY, but when you get to number 4 in the PuTTY instructions you will want to use another address (not head.arcc.albany.edu):


and then save the session as “lmm” instead of “head”. Everything else is the same.

Once you are down to step 7 in that article enter the following on the command line and SAS should launch:




You will follow the directions here for XQuartz and then Terminal, but when you get to number 3 in the Terminal instructions you will want to use another address (not head.arcc.albany.edu):

ssh -Y [netid]@lmm.rit.albany.edu

Everything else is the same.

Once you are down to step 7 in that article enter the following on the command line and SAS should launch:



After you are logged on you can run SAS on your data in your home (/network/rit/home/netid) or research directory (/network/rit/lab/research_directory).

if you have a SAS script or program that you want to run, you can specify the path to the script as an argument to the SAS command. For example:

sas /network/rit/lab/research_directory/my_program.sas

You can also launch the SAS GUI by simply typing the following in any directory:


For any questions or comments, please contact askIT@albany.edu.