Large Data Transfers - Globus CLI

Large Data Transfers - Globus CLI

Faculty/Students may want to transfer large amounts of data to and from the cluster. We can currently support file transfers into the cluster via Globus CLI.

Globus CLI is installed on lmm.its.albany.edu and is located in


You can add this line to your bash_profile to use globus commands:

alias globus=/network/rit/misc/software/globus-cli/bin/globus

After doing so, remember to source ~/.bash_profile and then test by invoking:

globus version

You will need your own personal Globus account to do file transfers.

globus login

You can also map your lab directory via the Configuration settings. Click the + icon in the lower right to add your network folder.



Globus CLI can be used according to the CLI QuickStart Guide:
