Packaging AIPs for preservation storage

For finalizing packages of digital records and sending them to permanent preservation storage.

  1. Once all meaningful digital files in a package have been described in ArchivesSpace and uploaded to Hyrax, enter the package ID.

  2. Optionally, select to "Update master files":

    1. Only use this option if you have edited or removed files in the \masters folder and you would like to keep these changes instead of the files that were originally ingested during the Ingest step.

    2. Most likely, this is for removing files that were ingesting into the SIP, but are not records and/or are not worth retaining permanently.

  3. Optionally, select to "Ignore derivatives":

    1. Only use this option if the files in the \derivatives folder are not useful to retain permanently. This should be rarely used.

    2. An example use case is if you created derivatives that were not really useful, or files are so extremely large that it doesn't make sense to keep an additional derivative copy outside of Hyrax.

  4. Click Submit!

  5. Don't forget to view the log later to ensure that the package was successful!