Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jupyterlab and how do I use it?

For more information about jupyterlab, please read the jupyterlab user guide:

How many resources should I request?

Please request only the resources that you need. For example, if you are just running very small calculations that do not require a lot of memory and cannot run in parallel, please request 1 core 4 GB memory. If you need slightly more horsepower than your laptop, 4 core x 16 GB memory or 4 core 32 GB memory should be fine. If you need more cores, 12 core options are available. 12 cores 128GB memory should be used only when absolutely needed. 

How can I relinquish my resource allocation?

In the toolbar, navigate to Hub -> Control Panel

Then, click "Stop My Server"

How can I access my environment variables from the terminal?

In every terminal that is spawned, you must source your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_rc to access your environment variables

source ~/.bash_profile

How can I see my lab directory in the file browser?

To view your lab directory in the file browser, you need to set up a symbolic link to it in your home directory. 


ln -s source_file myfile

How can I use my own anaconda distribution in jupyterhub?

You must create a kernel for your anaconda distribution, please follow the instructions for Custom Kernels. Once the kernel is created, refresh the page and it should appear.