Arranging Digital Materials in ArchivesSpace

Arranging Digital Materials in ArchivesSpace

Create archival objects in ArchivesSpace for new born-digital materials

You can describe each individual file, or groups of files - do whichever is most appropriate and meaningful to users

  • Use asInventory (asUpload.exe) to enter initial description in ArchivesSpace using an asInventory spreadsheet

  • The text files in the root of processing packages could be useful if the filenames have useful description

    • derivatives.txt should list all files in derivatives

    • derivatives-directories.txt should list all folders in derivatives

    • masters.txt should list all files in masters

    • masters-directories.txt should list all folders in masters

  • You can re-generate these text files in the Processing app after generating derivatives using List Files and Empty Sheet.

  • You can list paths to files in the DAO column during this step, or you can wait until after the next step

    • asInventory will only add digital objects using the DAO column if the content there is a web link (begins with "http")

    • If you do add file paths during this step, you will still have to copy them into the DAO column again after running asDownload.exe duing the next step below

Linking Digital Object to Existing Archival Description

This is for linking digital files to existing description for digitized materials, or

  • Use asInventory (asDownload.exe) to export the description from ArchivesSpace

    • This is also necessary if you just uploaded a new sheet for born-digital materials, as we need a sheet with the ref_ids listed in the first column.

    • Be sure to use the whole spreadsheet, even if you are not adding digital objects for all items or the order will be altered. Just leave the DAO field blank for these items.

  • Place a copy of the exported spreadsheet in the package's \metadata directory. it may help to any other .xlsx files in that folder to a subfolder so they don't affect buildHyraxUpload.py, but you can also use the option to specify a single spreadsheet in the Processing app.


  • Use the derivatives.txt file or other in the package root to copy and paste and arrange derivative relative paths in to DAO column in exported asInventory spreadsheet

    • derivatives.txt should list all files in derivatives

    • derivatives-directories.txt should list all folders in derivatives

    • masters.txt should list all files in masters

    • masters-directories.txt should list all folders in masters

  • You can re-generate these text files in the Processing app after generating derivatives using List Files and Empty Sheet.

  • File paths should be relative to the derivatives or masters folders in the package

    • For example:

      • \\Lincoln\Library\SPE_Processing\<collectionID>\<packageID>\derivatives\Councils\Libraries, Information Systems, and Computing (LISC)/2009-10 LISC/LISC agenda050310.doc

    • Should be:

      • Councils/Libraries, Information Systems, and Computing (LISC)/2009-10 LISC/LISC agenda050310.doc

  • Files must exist in either derivatives or masters. The Hyrax upload step will prioritize derivatives over masters

  • Councils/Libraries, Information Systems, and Computing (LISC)/2009-10 LISC/LISC agenda050310.doc

  • Once all the file paths are placed in the DAO column, you can Build a Hyrax Upload .tsv file.

    • Note: Title, Date 1 Normal, and DAO Filename columns must be filled to successfully move on to the Hyrax Upload step.  

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