Build Hyrax Upload .tsv

This step will build a Tab Separated Values (tsv) file for uploading files to Hyrax

  • Files must be arranged and described in ArchivesSpace, and the file paths placed in the DAO column

  • Use the Build Hyrax Upload tab in the Processing app

    • This step will build a single .tsv file for each .xlsx file that is directly in the metadata folder

    • The .tsv file will be named for the processing package, such as ua200_fQRgPhNZumcTEZdb3jykvn.tsv

    • You may have other .xlsx files in the \metadata directory, to avoid these, you can:

      • Use the Single spreadsheet option in the Processing app to target only a single .xlsx file

        • Note: the single spreadsheet option only requires the name of the spreadsheet (Example: "asinventory.xlsx") instead of a full path like other aspects of the processing app 

      • Place other .xlsx files in a subfolder within the \metadata folder. These will be ignored.

    Add Resource Type, Licenses or Rights Statements to all objects in the Hyrax upload .tsv file created by the Processing app

  • Valid Resource Types:

            Bound Volume
            Mixed Materials (Avoid)
            Other (Avoid)

Upload Files to Hyrax (Command line only)

  • Move a copy of all derivatives to be uploaded to \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\files

    • (Optional) Use a collection ID subfolder if convenient: \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\files\apap101

  • Move the Hyrax Upload .tsv file to the Hyrax import directory: \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\import

  • Upload the files to Hyrax on railsprod
    Note: All files will be public by default

    1. Use ssh to log on: ssh railsprod

    2. Switch to railsuser with: sudo -u railsuser bash

    3. Change directory in to Hyrax: cd /var/www/hyrax-UAlbany

    4. Test that all import files are correct by running: 

      rake import:check

    5. Use Screen or run in the background, as this is a long running process

    6. To Import, run: 

      rake import:sheet

    7. Monitor the background jobs at (requires Hyrax login)

  • When the import is finished, copy the completed .tsv file back to the package's metadata file from: \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\complete

  • Delete the copy of files in \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\files