Digital Processing- Batch Uploads Instructions

Step-be-step process:

  1. Ingest materials

  2. Create derivatives (if necessary)

  3. OCR PDFs (if necessary)

EVALUATE: Do the records currently exist in ArchiveSpace?

If yes:

4.A. List files and download empty sheet

5.A Download archival object/series using asInventory

6.A. Make sure the record is described in the "Title" and "Date 1 Normal" fields at least

Note: You can add the "DAO File" at this point but you do not have to

Tip: You can sort the dates chronologically and they will upload to ArchiveSpace in the same way!

Note: If you are working in multiple sheets, make sure to utilize the "Single Spreadsheet" option of this step. You will need to include the full filename extension i.e. "asinventory.xlsx"

8A. After the Hyrax .tsv has been created, fill in the Resource type, License, and Rights Statement (if necessary) 

Add Resource Type, Licenses or Rights Statements to all objects in the Hyrax upload .tsv file created by the script

Resource Types:





          • Audio

          • Bound Volume

          • Dataset

          • Document

          • Image

          • Map

          • Mixed Materials (Avoid)

          • Pamphlet

          • Periodical

          • Slides

          • Video

          • Other (Avoid)


Rights Statements (if License is "Unknown"):

9A. Tell Greg which .tsv files in metadata are ready for upload. 

10.A. After Hyrax upload has been completed, run the "update asinventory sheet" step in the processing app

11.A. Take the updated inventory spreadsheets and move them to "input" in the asInventory folder, validate the sheet(s), and upload the sheet(s)

Note: Digital objects should appear in Archive Space immediately! 

If no:

Resource: Arranging Digital Materials in ArchivesSpace

4.B List Files and download empty sheet

5.B. Make sure the record is described in the "Title" and "Date 1 Normal" fields at least

Note: You can add the "DAO File" at this point but you do not have to

Tip: You can sort the dates chronologically and they will upload to ArchiveSpace in the same way!

6.B. Move sheet(s) to "input" in the asInventory folder, validate the sheet(s), and upload the sheet(s)

7.B. Download the series/archival object

8.B. Combine the asinventory sheet and downloaded list to one sheet where the ID, Title, Date 1 Display, Date 1 Normal, and DAO Filename columns are filled. 

Note: If you are working in multiple sheets, make sure to utilize the "Single Spreadsheet" option of this step. You will need to include the full filename extension i.e. "asinventory.xlsx"

10.B. After the Hyrax .tsv has been created, fill in the Document type, License, and Rights Statement (if necessary) 

Resource Types:





          • Audio

          • Bound Volume

          • Dataset

          • Document

          • Image

          • Map

          • Mixed Materials (Avoid)

          • Pamphlet

          • Periodical

          • Slides

          • Video

          • Other (Avoid)


Rights Statements (if License is "Unknown"):

11.B. Tell Greg which .tsv files in metadata are ready for upload. 

12.B. After Hyrax upload has been completed, run the "update asinventory sheet" step in the processing app

13.B. Take the updated inventory spreadsheets and move them to "input" in the asInventory folder, validate the sheet(s), and upload the sheet(s)

Note: Digital objects should appear in Archive Space immediately!