Connecting to UAlbany WiFi - Blackberry
Connecting to UAlbany WiFi - Blackberry
To connect to UAlbany WiFi using a Blackberry device, follow the steps below.
These instructions work on the Curve and may work on any Blackberry device.
- Install Certificate:
If the Blackberry does not come with the needed certificates, go to https://albany.edu/wpacert/ and import incommon.crt.
The easiest way to get this certificate on the device is to sign onto the guest wireless network, and then go to that address above using a web browser.
- If you view incommon.crt and scroll down, there will be an "Import" button.
- When you click the "import" button you may be prompted to choose a key store password. You can enter any password you like.
- Connect to UAlbany WiFi
- Manage Connections
- Set Up WiFi Network
- Scan For Networks
- Select UAlbanyWiFi
Use the following settings:
Security Type
User name
your NetID
User password
your password
CA Certificate
AddTrust External CA Root
inner link security
<None Selected>
Server subject
Server SAN
, multiple selections available,