About LISTSERV Lists

About LISTSERV Lists



  • Permanent faculty/staff of the University may sponsor a list.

  • Students can manage lists but they do need a faculty/staff sponsor to officially own the list.

  • List content must reflect the field of expertise, research, or study of the list sponsor as it relates to his/her function at the University.

List Expiration

  • All lists, except for class lists, expire on a yearly basis at the end of each spring semester (generally the week after the end of final exams). Class lists expire at the end of each semester (generally the week after the end of final exams). 

  • All list owners will be notified by email at least two weeks prior to the expiration date. In order to renew a list, the list owner must follow the instructions contained in that notification.

  • After a list has expired, its archive files (if any) will be retained for a period of 3 months.

  • List owners may request explicitly at any time that their list be terminated by contacting the ITS Service Desk.