Meeting Invitee Somehow Sent a Meeting Cancellation to All

Meeting Invitee Somehow Sent a Meeting Cancellation to All


In some cases involving a meeting, an errant meeting cancellation notice may be generated and sent to all other invitees, causing much confusion.  The cancellation notice may even come from one of the invitees rather than the meeting organizer.

How to resolve

Often, a mobile device (cell phone or tablet) is involved when this happens.  An invitee may have deleted, declined or simply viewed the meeting email from a mobile device.  If this happens for your scheduled meeting, delete the meeting and make sure all attendees have removed it from their own calendars as well.  Re-create the meeting, being sure to use Outlook or Outlook Web App (OWA), and be sure that all invitees use Outlook or Outlook Web App (OWA) to accept or decline the meeting.


As per our Best Practices document, it is strongly recommended to use Outlook or Outlook Web App (OWA) to schedule and accept meeting invitations rather than mobile devices to prevent this from happening.