Install SPSS for Windows Personal Computers

Install SPSS for Windows Personal Computers


The following instructions will allow students to install SPSS on their personally-owned computers at no charge. For help using SPSS, please work with your instructor, advisor, or supervisor.


Please note that you need to have VPN connected to install and use SPSS

  1. Log into the VPN (Instructions)

  2. Download the SPSS installer here

  3. Locate the file and double click on it:

  4. Click the Next button:

  5. Click on the radio button to the left of “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click the Next button:

  6. Click the Next button.

  7. Click the Install button.

  8. Let the installation of SPSS finish.

  9. Verify that the “Start IBM SPSS Statistics now” box is checked and click Finish.

  10. You will be presented with one of the following Windows.  In either case, click the Launch License Wizard button.

  11. Click the Next button.

  12. Click on the radio button next to the “Concurrent user license” option and click the Next button.

  13. Enter spss-acad.itec.suny.edu as the License Manager and click the Next button.

  14. Click the Finish button.

  15. If you see the following popup window, click the Restart button to restart SPSS to activate the license.

  16. SPSS should open. Please note that you need to have VPN connected for every time you use SPSS.