Batch Upload to Hyrax

Batch Upload to Hyrax

Instructions for batch uploading digital objects to Hyrax from spreadsheets

This documentation is out of date, use Build Hyrax Upload .tsv

Step-by-step guide

  1. Create a spreadsheet for the objects you want to upload using the templates in \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\templates

  2. Place the .TSV spreadsheets you wish to upload in \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\import

  3. Place the files listed in the spreadsheet in \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\files

  4. Use ssh to log on: ssh railsprod

  5. Switch to railsuser with: sudo -u railsuser bash

  6. Change directory in to Hyrax: cd /var/www/hyrax-UAlbany

  7. Test that all import files are correct by running: rake import:check

  8. To Import, run: 

    rake import:sheet

    1. to import in background (recommended), run: nohup rake import:sheet >> /media/Library/ESPYDerivatives/log/myLogFile.log 2>&1 &

  9. Monitor the background jobs at https://archives.albany.edu/sidekiq/ (requires Hyrax login)

Package Import to AIP (replaced by Processing Ingested Digital Files)

  1. To package the files into \\Lincoln\Masters\Archives\AIP, examine the finished .TSV spreadsheet in \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\complete

    1. If using the Processing Ingested Digital Files workflow, remove files from \\Linco'n\Library\ESPYderivatices\files\<collectionID> and return to Processing Ingested Digital Files.

  2. If the sheet is correct, move the .TSV to \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\complete\move

  3. Ensure the files are still in \\Lincoln\Library\ESPYderivatives\files

  4. Use ssh to log on to rails2 (espydev)

  5. Change directory with "cd /opt/lib/scripts"

  6. Activate the correct Python environment with "pyenv activate bagImports"

  7. run "python bagImports.py" with the params collectionID, path to legacy metadata files, path to master files

    1. Example: " python bagImports.py apap150 '/media/Masters/Special Collections/Electronic_Records_Library/apap150/legacy' '/media/Masters/Special Collections/Electronic_Records_Library/apap150/masters' "

  8. Be sure that any ArchivesSpace Digital object file paths are updated.

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