Dialing Instructions

Dialing Instructions

On Campus Calls

  • Dial the last 5 digits of the telephone number. E.g. 23700 for (518) 442-3700

Local calls

  • Dial 8 + 518 + phone number OR 8 + 1 + 518 + phone number

  • Dial 8 + 838 + phone number OR 8 + 1 + 838 + phone number

Continental US calls

  • Dial 8 + 1 + Area code + phone number

International calls

The ability to make long distance calls in the continental US is the standard for University-issued phones. An administrator in your department may change individual levels of long distance access based on specific job responsibilities.

Toll-Free Calls

  • Dial: 8 + 1 + 10 digit phone number

Emergency calls

  • From a desk phone: Dial 911

  • From a cell phone: Dial (518) 442-3131

DO NOT CALL 911 from your Jabber Mobile app. UPD may not receive the correct location information from the Jabber Mobile app.