389 Group Renewal Audit

389/UNIX Groups are security groups that delegate permissions and access to certain applications and services.  Each group has a manager listed that will be contacted to review the need of the group and its membership.

Why did I receive a renewal notice for this group?

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This notice is an effort to ensure network resources are being utilized and that membership is audited.

What do Group Types mean?

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Below is a legend of different Group Types:

vm-class:   grants access to VM's for authorized classes

class: department requested group

research: storage and access to research cluster

web: permission to web space for personal faculty pages, research, departments

system: system group created by EIS to track needed system accounts. i.e. root group

primary: group to protect a user account

permission: grant users permission to use services.  i.e. faculty group to allow access to WiFi and NetReg.

processes: Automated and manual scripts

wiki: permission within wiki application

Note:  Designate primary groups by appending an * at the end of a groupType (i.e. permission*)

How do I renew a group?

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Simply reply to the email you received requesting the renewal and any other changes you may wish need, such as updating membership or ownership.

Groups will be renewed for two years (max) from the existing expiration date unless specified otherwise.

How do I change membership to the group?

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When you reply to the email regarding the expiration date, please let us know any changes you may wish to make, such as updating membership.
Example message:
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From: Identity and Access Management Services <iamaccts@albany.edu>
Subject: Response Required: ITS 389/Unix Group(s) and Web Content Expired/Expiring Soon
 Dear <Group Owner Name>,
 You are the owner of the following ITS 389/Unix Group(s) containing published web content.
 Below is the list of all Group(s) that are expiring in the next 60 days:
 Group Name
 Date Created
 Expiration Date
 Group Type
 Group Reserved
 NetIDs of Members
<Group Name>
<Date Created>
<Expiration Date>
<Group Type>
<Group Reserved>
<NetIDs of Members>
 Please view 389 Group Audit for more information.
 If you are unsure of a member NetID, you can use the 'People' search in the Outlook Web App (https://mail.albany.edu) to find a person's contact information.
 If the group(s) need to be retained, please provide a new expiration date, no later than two years from the existing expiration date, and any other pertinent information (i.e. change in owner, department, membership, etc.).
 If the group(s) can be closed, please let us know. Any group you wish to let expire or close will be disabled immediately and all associated website content will be removed.
 Thank you,

 Identity and Access Management Group (IAMG)
 Information Technology Services
Confidentiality Note: The information contained in this electronic transmission is confidential and is intended for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies) named above only. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please destroy any and all copies of the transmission and notify the sender immediately.

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