EduPerson Codes (Albany)
Since these codes are in a constant state of change please check periodically to verify that the codes you are using are still correct for your purposes, or you can provide the Identity and Access Management Group with your email address we will be happy to notify you when changes occur. Please submit an ITS Service Desk request to provide your email address or ask a question.
UAlbany Eduperson | Definition | Primary Eduperson Affiliation | Eduperson Affiliations | Eduperson Scoped Affiliations |
CTFA | Current Teaching Faculty | Faculty | Faculty, Employee, Member | |
ALEC | Lecturers who have been actively employed within the last 6 months | Affiliate (If Active in HR, they will also have CTFA) | Affiliate | |
STMP | State Operations Employees | Staff | Staff, Employee, Member | |
RFEM | Research Foundation Employees | Staff | Staff, Employee, Member | |
NHIR | Future Hires (General Use Code for All Users Entered Before Users Effective Date) | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
EVOL | Honorary/Volunteer Employees | Staff | Staff, Employee, Member | |
SEMP | Student Employees | Student | Student, Member | |
CREG | Current Registered Students | Student | Student, Member | |
CIEL | Current Intensive English Language Program Students | Student | Student, Member | |
ASEM | Auxiliary Services Employees | Staff | Staff, Employee, Member | |
AFEM | University Advancement Employees (Albany Foundation) | Staff | Staff, Employee, Member | |
LEAV | On Leave Students | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
RLOA | Return from Leave Students | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
REIG | Eligible to Enroll - Future term enrolled | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
MATR | Matriculated Student | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
RADM | Re-Admitted Students | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
ADMT | Admitted Students | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
CUHS | Current University in the UHS (University in the High School) Student | Student | Affiliate | |
CDUAL | Current Dual Admit, but does not have active email. |
FDUAL | Former Dual Admit |
CEDUAL | Currently enrolled Dual Admit |
ELIG | Eligible to Enroll | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
PENR | Student Enrolled within the previous year. | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
EMER | Emeriti | Affiliate | Affiliate | |
ALM1 | First Year Alumnus | Alum | Alum | |
ALUM | Alumus >1year | Alum | Alum | |
REMP | Retirees - All employees |
FEMP | Former Employees - Terminated from all positions (this includes State Operations, Research Foundation, UAS, and UAF employees) |
FLEC | Lecturers who have not been actively employed within the last 15 months (Former ALEC) |
FVOL | Former Volunteer- Volunteers whose term date is expired |
XVOL | Current Volunteer with No end date, or past their end date. |
DEMP | Deceased Employees |
DSTD | Deceased Student |
FIEL | Former Intensive English Language Program Students |
FSTD | Former Students who have not had any active registrations in the past year. |
FSTE | Former Student Employee |
FUHS | Former UHS (University in the High School) Student |
NELG | Not Eligible to Enroll |
WADM | Withdrawn Admission |
WDM1 | Undergraduate students who have been withdrawn within the last 365 days. |
APCN | Denied/Withdrawn/Cancelled Student Admission's Application |
APPL | Student Admission's Applicant Only |
OTHR | IDs That do not fall under any other categories - |
EXCP | Code given to grant access to services, on a case per case basis, at the discretion of an approved department. |
EXEM | Code given to Emeritus so they can access campus ITS services. | Affiliate |
DUPL | Duplicate IDs - where SRVC_IND_REASON +"IEM"on SRVC_IND_DATA |
CLAS | Classified employee (CSEA) |
LIBR | Librarian |
PROF | Professional employee |
MGMT | Management Confidential |
FULL | Full Time employee |
PART | Part Time employee |
UG01 | Freshmen status |
UG02 | Sophomore status |
UG03 | Junior status |
UG04 | Senior status |
UGNM | Undergrad student (general studies – not in the program) |
CROS | Cross Registered and Open SUNY |
GRMA | Masters student within the statute of limitations | Student | Student | |
GCRT | Graduate Certificate student within the statute of limitations | Student | Student | |
GPHD | PHD student within the statute of limitations |
GRNM | Graduate student not in the program |
GADM | Admitted Graduate Student |
POLY | SUNY Poly students living on Albany Campus | Affiliates | Affiliate | |
VSAB | Visiting Study Abroad/Study Abroad (SUNY) |
Note: There are 2 temporary codes that come through the XML creation process during the day and should be replaced when eduperson runs the next day. NEWSTU is for quick admits and NEWEMP affiliation is for employees.