ITS UAlbany Departmental Resources Expiring Soon
Expiration Notice
This notification is sent to the displayed owner of a resource that is expiring or has very recently expired. These resources include:
- Shared mailboxes
- Distribution groups
- Room calendars
- Generic Windows login accounts
The notification will contain the type of resource expiring along with the expiration date, related email address, and display name of the resource. Owners can reply to terminate or renew the resource up to two years. Administrative accounts may be renewed up to one year.
Owners will generally receive at least 2 notifications warning of the expiration. Resources beyond expiration may be terminated without any additional notices. Terminated resources can always be restored, within a short time, or re-created, if needed.
If you believe someone else should be owner of the resource(s) you received the notification on, please reply with who the new owner should be.
Updating Group Members:
Group Access Manager - Basic Concepts and Frequently Asked Questions - askIT - University at Albany
Updating Group Owners:
Group Owner Maintenance Request Form - askIT - University at Albany
Requesting New Resources:
Identity and Access Management Forms - askIT - University at Albany