Group Access Manager - Modifying Group Ownership


The Owner of a group has the authority to add or remove members from the group, as well as request that additional people be granted Owner access (or remove it). 


To add or remove owners, the IAM Contact or any Owner can submit a Group Owner Maintenance Request to the Identity and Access Management Group. 

Additional Information

The Group Access Manager can be accessed through the ITS web site under Quick Links or directly at

Types of Owner

(Please note:  Only active faculty and staff members are eligible to be owners.)

Owner - Owners have full access to add/remove members to a group, as well as request that additional Owners be added/removed.

Displayed Owner - The Displayed Owner has the same rights as an Owner, but they will appear as the manager of that particular mailbox or calendar in the Global Address List. The Displayed Owner will automatically be chosen to be notified regarding any maintenance actions that Information Technology Services may need to perform on that group such as membership audits, etc.

While there can be many Owners, there can only be one Displayed Owner.