Sending Emergency Messages from Off Campus

Sending Emergency Messages from Off Campus


To send an emergency email message while you are off campus, follow the instructions below.


  1. Log in to the departmental mailbox you use to send the blast emails. (i.e. yourdivision-notices@albany.edu)

  2. You can then email any Listserv list to which your mailbox has access.

  3. To do this, in the To: field of a new email message, enter the list address that represents the part of the University Community you would like to contact. Here are some of the more common Listserv lists to email:

    • allfacstaff-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • allstudents-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • teachfac-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • votingfac-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • graduates-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • undergrads-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • oncampus-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • offcampus-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • seniors-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • juniors-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • sophomores-l@listserv.albany.edu

    • freshmen-l@listserv.albany.edu

    6.  Fill out the rest of the email as you wish.
    7.  Press Send when you are confident the content of your message is as you intend.
    8.  Do not forget to confirm your message when prompted after you send to the list! Your message will not be distributed to your intended audience until you confirm it.